County of Ocean


Toms River, NJ


County of Ocean

The Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP) project for Ocean County consisted of 6 buildings: the Court House, Administration Building, New Jail, Prosecutor’s Office, Justice Complex and the P.E.E.R. Building Parking Garage which are all located within two city blocks. In addition to achieving energy cost savings, as a coastal community in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the County was seeking to build resilience for its critical facilities.

DCO delivered an energy savings project that included a 600kW Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant to serve the Justice Complex and Jail.  With blackstart and islanding capabilities, the CHP plant allows these critical facilities to remain operational in the event of a grid outage.  The technology also enabled the County to extend the financing term of the project from 15 to 20 years, thereby capturing more energy conservation measures within the project and the ability to generate revenue with Demand Response.